Little Oasis Experience...

We can accommodate individuals, couples and groups of up to 4 people.

Whether you dive into much needed solace or encourage each other during quality time, come enjoy the experience at Little Oasis. You'll be glad you did!

Healthy Body.

We'd like to offer the benefits of Contrast Therapy at Little Oasis Sauna and Cold Plunge. Our private, self-led sessions combine the use of far-infrared sauna and cold water immersion treatments.

By providing hormetic stressors to the body through heat and cold exposure, we create an opportunity for the body to naturally heal itself.

Healthy Living.

Healthy Mind.

Contrast Therapy

Contrast therapy is a therapeutic technique that involves alternating between hot and cold treatments to stimulate the body's healing processes. By alternating between these two extremes, contrast therapy can provide numerous benefits, including improved circulation, reduced muscle soreness, accelerated recovery from injuries, and enhanced overall well-being.

The cold treatment, such as cold water immersion, will help to reduce inflammation within the body, increase energy and focus, enhance overall mood and metabolism all the meanwhile building up resilience throughout your body and mind.

The hot treatment, in the form of a far-infrared sauna helps improve the body's cardiovascular health, mood and stress responses.

Far-Infrared Sauna

Cold Plunge

Our plunge pool is a oxygen and magnesium infused rain water multi-level filtered system. Sit as long as you can or utilize our timer before warming back up in the contrast infrared sauna.

Jump start your body's natural ability to clean itself from years of built up toxins while relaxing in the warmth of an infrared sauna either privately on your own or with a friend.

Private, Self-Led Sessions

At Little Oasis Sauna and Cold Plunge, we offer private, self-led contrast therapy sessions. You will have private access to our 4-person, ultra-low EMF (low electromagnetic field) infrared sauna, 700 liter 2-person plunge pool and our natural fed chemical free outdoor shower to use at your leisure.

Whether you're looking for a break in the day to relax in the warmth of the sauna while shedding away toxins from the week or immersing yourself in a cold plunge to jump start your day, we have a combination of what you'll need to leave feeling: Relaxed. Refreshed. Refocused.

Our sessions provide a personalized approach to enhance your well-being.

We can offer you session structures based on your specific health goals during your visit with us.

Rest. Repair. Rejuvenate.

Where you can find us.

Little Oasis Sauna and Cold Plunge
2741 Round Hill Road
Agnes Water, Queensland 4677
Located @ The Summit
Phone: +61 0491 045 767
By Booking Only Please

Book online

for availability