Rejuvenate your Mind and Body with the Power of Contrast Therapy.

We provide hormetic exposures - healthy stressors to the body by way of an 8 panel Far-Infrared Sauna and a 5 - 10°C Plunge Pool that promotes an optimal Contrast Therapy experience.

Tuning your system through healthy amounts of cold and heat exposure, helps your body to naturally operate at its fullest potential.

Vasoconstriction and Vasodilation

When exposed to heat, Vasodilation occurs as the body regulates by widening blood vessels to increase blood flow to provide nutrient rich oxygenated blood to organs and damaged tissue.

When you plunge into cold water, Vasoconstriction within the body automatically responds to conserve heat. The blood vessels throughout the body constrict along with the lymphatic system, pushing out toxins and stagnate blood.

Both play a crucial role in maintaining homeostasis and supporting the body's various physiological functions.

white clouds over lake during daytime
white clouds over lake during daytime

Soberg Principal - "End on Cold"

Dr. Susanna Soberg, an internationally leading expert on cold and heat as a stress management tool for physical and mental health, completed her PhD in metabolism and cold water exposure.

Dr. Soberg found that through the progression of cold exposure to the body, with the contrast of heat through the use of sauna, then cold again would trigger the body's ability to produce higher amounts of mitochondria in fat tissue (brown fat) which allows the body to thermoregulate more easily, making it more comfortable in the cold. This process also triggers an onset of other health benefits such as a healthier cardiovascular system, reduction in inflammation, lowered blood pressure, better sleep, 2.5x dopamine and noradrenaline release and an overall healthier and more active metabolism.

birds flying over the mountain
birds flying over the mountain

Ending on cold exposure via shower or plunge allows the opportunity for the body to self-regulate back to a homeostatic core body temperature. Dr. Soberg found that shivering after deliberate cold exposure stimulates the release of a hormone that aids in the conversion of energy-storing white fat into energy-burning brown fat. Additionally, the creation of brown fat consumes other fats and sugars within the bloodstream which promotes a healthier metabolism.

Dr. Soberg's findings concluded the best results shown from her test - open water swimmers - was a total of 11 minutes of deliberate cold exposure and 57 minutes of sauna broken up into 2 - 3 session per week.

Session Structure

We like to recommend the below structures only as a baseline format who may be new to this type of therapy and want to get the most out of their first few visits with us. Afterwards, if you're looking for a session structure geared more specific i.e., workout recovery, detoxification for a certain ailment, injury repair.. we can help guide you as well.

green bamboo shoots
green bamboo shoots

60 minute session:

Start: 15-20 minutes in Sauna

Rinse off: Warm Temperature

Finish: 2-3 minutes in Plunge Pool

Repeat 2 - 3 times

30 minute session:

Start: 20 minutes in Sauna

Rinse off: Warm Temperature

Finish: 2-3 minutes in Plunge Pool